ABtrack is part of a group of Italian companies operating in professional electronics. There are two product families ABtrack deals with, on Italian and international markets:
- GPRS / GPS satellite trackers for AVL and AVM
- M2M wireless modems and routers
AVL and AVM systems, using satellite tracking and positioning and wireless communication, enable the supply of LBS – Location Based Services. ABtrack designs and manufactures onboard terminals with ARM architectures and Linux Embedded OS, that can be supplied as an open platform at driver level, with or without ABtrack original API, or with configurable application software onboard. The applications range from road transports, to railway and crafts.
ABtrack is present in the wireless M2M communication world as well, with a catalog of modems and routers GPRS, UMTS and WLAN based. There are original desing products, available also as open platforms, put side by side to distributed products, to support the strategic decision of ABtrack to expand its operational areas.
The strengths of ABtrack are the top end hardware and software solutions, the international commercial presence, the technical, technological and economic customer satisfaction and fidelization. ABtrack, thanks to its product architectures and skills, is the ideal partner for hardware and software custom design solutions.
If you are looking for a professional and extremely versatile product we offer the best solutions.