Its a Chartered Accountant Firm with strength of 12 Active Partners having experience in different domains. Its offices are in Delhi, Noida & Faridabad. Group of Chartered Accountants having more than 150 years of combined experience between them, supplemented by professionals having domain knowledge in Law, cost accounts, management graduate and IT qualified professionals. Integrity, prudence and quality being the watch word.
• Incorporation of company
• Consultancy on Company Law matters.
Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations.
Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
Clause 49 review for compliance with fiscal, corporate and tax laws
Secretarial Matters including share transfers
Maintenance of Statutory records
Consultancy on Public/Rights/Bonus Issue of shares.
Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
Preparations of Project Reports
Preparation of CMA data for bank loans
Private placement of shares, Inter-Corporate Deposit, Terms loans, working capital limits, etc
External Credit Borrowings (ECBs)
Accounting System Design & Implementation
Financial Accounting
Financial Reporting
MIS Reports
Financial Analysis
Asset Accounting Management
Depreciation and Amortization Schedules
Preparation of Monthly Salary Sheet.
Deductions as per applicable laws like Income Tax, Provident Fund, Professional Tax etc.
rsement/ Online Payment
Computation and deposit of TDS, ESI, PF etc.