Founded in 1972, AGW is a multi-disciplined consulting engineering firm specializing in the geosciences and environmental services. Our services include, geotechnical engineering, materials testing, construction observations, automated data collection, radon mitigation services, soil and groundwater investigations and remediation, and industrial hygiene services.
HQ Location
3211 South Zuni Street
Englewood, CO 80110, US
Geotechnical engineeringMaterials testingConstruction observationAutomated data collectionRadon mitigationSoil investigation and remediationGroundwater investigation and remediationIndustrial hygiene
Geotechnical engineering servicesMaterials testing servicesConstruction observation servicesAutomated data collection servicesRadon mitigation servicesSoil investigations and remediation servicesGroundwater investigations and remediation servicesIndustrial hygiene services
Geotechnical Consulting and EngineeringEnvironmental ConsultingIndustrial HygieneField TestingConstruction ObservationsSpecial InspectionsLaboratory ServicesAutomated Data Collectio