A Drink for Tomorrow (ADFT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that raises awareness of the lack of access to clean water in impoverished communities around the globe as well as funds to provide clean, safe water to those who lack this basic human right. At ADFT, we believe everyone should have a drink of clean, safe water—not one filled with dirt and disease.
ADFT uses drinks and the beverage industry to raise awareness of the lack of access to clean, safe drinking water in the developing world. Through partnerships and events with beverage businesses and the general public, ADFT creatively raises funds for clean water projects to benefit those among the 884 million people who lack clean water. Specifically, ADFT uses cause marketing partnerships and community events so the drinks Americans consume today can help to provide clean water for someone in a developing country tomorrow.
For more information go to www.adrinkfortomorrow.org.