ACTS is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our purpose is to serve at risk youth from all backgrounds. Our hope is to create a successful pathway for troubled youth. Here we understand that not knowing the answer is sometimes the best answer. Our passion is to work alongside each child and give them their voice back by empowering minds, instilling success, and restoring foundations.
Empower Minds- Our goal is to empower each individual child with the ability to view every obstacle as an opportunity to become better, greater and wiser than yesterdays decisions. Instill Success- We hope to remove the status quo of success by bringing forth their own individual talents and using those talents to create their own path of success.
Restoring Foundations- with each skill being revealed, our goal is to guide each child with an empowered mindset to develop successful strategies that will create a solid foundation for their lives.
At ACTS our goal is to be able to give each child the courage to be able to reach their full potential. We want to instill in each of our youth to not be defined by their past mistakes and to know that they have the power to change their own path. Here we look to serve our youth in the most impactful way!