Welcome to 911 Industrial Response Ltd – Your trusted Emergency Response partner in Industry. Our mission is to ensure that our clients have the peace of mind that we are there, ready to respond when emergencies happen.
We are committed to being the leader in Emergency Response for Industry by providing regular training, continuing education and constant support to our team. We believe that the quality of safety service and patient care are of the utmost importance, and we make this our top priority.
Our team members, both Medical and Safety, undergo a rigorous multi-day orientation, including training, mentorship, and scenario practice. We ensure that each time we send a team member to your remote location, you receive trained, consistent, and knowledgeable service. Our managers regularly tour the field to ensure this promise is delivered.
Our team is ready and able to respond to any emergency situation, at any time. Our Medical Services include Advanced Care Paramedic, Primary Care Paramedic, Basic Care, Unmanned Emergency, Transport Units, MTCs, Ambulances, First Aid Rooms, and Critical Care Clinics.
In addition to Medical Services, we offer comprehensive Safety Services, including Safety Supervision, Project Safety Coordinators, Confined Space Entry, Technical Rescue, Preliminary NORMs Testing, Road Control/Monitoring, Benzene Testing, Emergency Response Plans, Turnaround Planning, and Fit Testing.
At 911 Industrial Response Ltd, we understand the importance of security in remote locations. That's why we offer Security Services that include Licensed Security Guards, Mobile Patrol, and Private Investigators.
With our unwavering commitment to providing high-quality safety services, our clients can trust us to deliver reliable, efficient and effective Emergency Response Services. At 911 Industrial Response Ltd, we are driven by our goal of ensuring that everybody goes home at the end of the day.