7ASecurity offers Mobile, Web and Network penetration tests. These usually range from black box (zero knowledge) to white box (comprehensive code audits).
We welcome points of contact and communication with clients and development teams. During our audits high severity findings are communicated promptly and often resolved before the end of the test.
After a penetration test, 7ASecurity offers fix verification and bespoke developer training services. The assessment does not have to end with the pentest report: Penetration tests often identify training needs in developer teams and knowledge transfer can be part of the package. This ensures that security vulnerabilities are less likely to be introduced in the future.
7ASecurity has extensive experience in training. All of the following options are commonly used: On-site or Online training sessions tailored to the findings of a pentest, webinars, workshops at security conferences and online courses.
Training is often not limited to attack techniques but also includes comprehensive mitigation ideas that focus on attack surface reduction, secure defaults and reliance on frameworks that make writing insecure code more difficult. A good example of this is the comprehensive Practical Web Defense course that 7ASecurity wrote for eLearnSecurity.