Consultant Dr. Harris Barrow founded the Panama World Trade & Investment Foundation (PWTIF) a nonprofit organization focused on creating links between people, businesses, and nations. She is dedicated in creating business opportunities, for the next generation of entrepreneurs globally.
In 2014, Dr. Harris Barrow embarked in a mission to lobby the Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) for the establishment of a Caribbean/African Pavilion at EXPOCOMER 2015. She was successful and was granted the rights to be the sole promoter and administrator of the pavilion. As a result, when EXPOCOMER 2015 opened its doors on March 11, it was the first time in the thirty-three-year history of the event, there was a pavilion dedicated to the Caribbean and African businesses (a significant milestone). She’s currently organizing the five Indigenous communities of the Comarcas (natives region) of Panama to join the Pavilion in 2019. She’s Transforming Economics through Global Perspective, bringing together Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean Islands to name a few.
Dr. Harris Barrow has received numerous awards for her leadership, advocacy, and service, including the Presidential Award from the former President of Ethiopia Girma Wolde – Giorgis as a “Human Conservation Solutionist.”; An Honorary Doctorate Degree of Philosophy in Humanities from the United Graduate College and Seminary International; Women Add Value Recognition-Women Leadership Award; COESL – Dynamic Youths Grenada Business Hub Sustainable Development Through Entrepreneurship Conference Partnership Award; an award
for her valuable contribution to society as a permanent and high representative of the Afro-Descendant Culture in Panama from the organizers of the 5th International African Festival of Panama and she was recently awarded by the President of Costa Rica. More on the site:
International Trade and Development
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11142 Applegate Circle, Boynton Beach
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33437, US
ExpocomerAfrican Union Region 6ConsultingInternational TradeInternational Business ConsultantWorld TradeCaribbean Economic CommunityGlobal TradeBusiness Consultant in the United StatesLatin America Business Consultant