Our barristers specialise in commercial, equity and public law litigation, international law, employment, industrial, coronial and inquests, family, property, investigations, tax and advice.
Senior Counsel:
Angyal SC, Robert
Castle SC, Tim
Neil SC, Ian
Rayment SC, David
Ward SC, Dr Christopher
Junior Counsel:
Baroni, Maurice
Brotherson, Ken
Bridgett, Madeleine
Byrnes, Byrnes
Collins, Michael
Cominos, Steven
Doust, Lisa
Edney, David
Fallah, Katherine
Flecknoe-Brown, Alexander
Geddes, Lucy
Kumar, Renae
Horne, Andrew
Meagher, Liam
Mee, Jennifer
Parsons, Richard
Rennie, Michael
Reynolds, Richard
Seck, Michael
Truong, Yvonne
Watts, Martin
Whitbread, Michael
Young, Ian
Associate Members:
Alexandre-Hughes, Sandrine
Bindon, Prue
Glasson, Robert
Mantziaris, Dr Christos
Stellios, Dr James
Tully, Stephene
Warren, Darryl
For more information please click on our website shown in this profile as www.sixstjameshall.com.au or Nora Faulua, Practice Manager on +(612) 9236 8600.