4Wave is a worldwide leader in providing high vacuum technology equipment. Our core technologies are Ion Beam and Biased Target. 4Wave offers the most advanced and cost efficient procedures for Ion Beam Etching (IBE), Ion Beam Deposition (IBD) and Biased Target Sputtering (BTS).
In addition to our broad background in vacuum process equipment and thin films, we offer highly specialized expertise in key technologies that are at the forefront of optical, magnetic and semiconductor device processing.
4Wave's top priorities are innovation and research which allow us to develop our technologies and provide maximum value to our clients.
Further, we are proud to encourage our team to succeed every day. Their skills, talent, and dedication make the impossible happen.
For additional info, please visit our website www.4waveinc.com
HQ Location
22660 Executive Dr. Suite 101
Sterling, VA 20166, US
Ion Beam EtchingIon Beam DepositionBiased Target SputteringVacuum process equipmentThin filmsOptical device processingMagnetic device processingSemiconductor device processing
Ion Beam Etching (IBE)Ion Beam Deposition (IBD)Biased Target Sputtering (BTS)
Ion beam processPlasma sourcesVacuum processingNanotechnologyThin film milling/coatingMEMSBolometerData StoragePhotovoltaicBiased target sputtering