
Machinery Manufacturing, Screen printing equipment, Printing equipment. Office and shop equipment · 11 Employees
Phone Number: hsysk@3dpriyol.com
Email Address: hsysk@3dpriyol.com
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(주)3D프리욜은 제조업의 혁신을 추구하는 3D프린팅 전문기업으로 2016년에 창업되었고 4차 산업혁명을 미리 앞서 준비하는 강소 스타트업으로 Metal 3D Printing에 전문화된 기술을 보유하고 있습니다. 사람과 기술에 최고의 가치를 두고 있으며 그에 따라 직원들의 복지에 가장 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 그 어느 때 보다도 현재가 변화 하기에 가장 좋은 타이밍이라고 생각하고 변화와 혁신에 주저함이 없는 사람들이 모였습니다. 반도체 세정(Cleaning) 장비 분야의 핵심 기술을 보유하고, 핵심 부품과 장비를 생산하는 (주)HS하이테크를 모회사로 두고 있습니다. 그들은 한국내 초일류 반도체 기업 고객사들과 Partnership을 맺고 있으며 지속적인 성장을 만들어 내고 있는 모회사의 사업 경험과 노하우를 계승하여 강한 스타트업 기업으로 발돋움을 시작한 그들만의 혁신적인 전략과 portfolio를 구경해 보세요 www.3DPriyol.com www.hshi-tech.co.kr 그들은 새로운 방법, 관점, 사람을 끊임없이 찾고있고, 그들의 역량을 최대한 활용하는데 매우 능숙합니다. 여러분들도 우리와 함께 하지 않으시겠습니까! 연락주세요 : hskyh1@3DPriyol.com 3DPriyol is a 3D printing company that pursues the innovation of manufacturing industry. It was founded in 2016 and has specialized technology in metal 3D printing start-up which prepares the 4th industrial revolution ahead. We have been valuing people and technology, and we are focusing on the most of our employees' welfare. We think that 'NOW' is the best time to change the current situation and there are people who do not hesitate to change and innovate. In order to stand at the forefront of the 4th industrial revolution, we are preparing for their own new change with the innovation of manufacturing industry as a company mission. They have partnerships with top-class semiconductor companies in Korea and inherit the business experience and know-how of the parent company(HSHi-Tech) that is making sustainable growth and look at their innovative strategies and portfolios that have started to become strong start-up companies. See their strategy and portfolio www.hshi-tech.co.kr www.3DPriyol.com They are constantly looking for new ways, perspectives, people, and are very good at making the most of their capabilities. Would you join with us! Please contact: hskyh1@hshi-tech.com
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Machinery Manufacturing, Screen printing equipment, Printing equipment. Office and shop equipment, Paper, Printing, Publishing, Screen printing, Printing and publishing, Intaglio printing, Digital photograph printing services, online, Services to businesses, Business Services
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Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Metal 3D PrintingPolymer 3D printing3D Print construction3D printing systemMaterial developemntAdditive manufacturing3D printing machine3D implantMedial device processing3D printed aircraft parts
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC)

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Machinery Manufacturing, Screen printing equipment, Printing equipment. Office and shop equipment

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