2M2 Design is a creative studio and brand consultancy. We are dedicated to providing holistic insights and behavioral interventions for brands and businesses. Located in Shenzhen,China.
We aim to help brands create differentiation and stay relevant in ever-changing marketplace, using systems thinking and creative methods, consumer insights and data tools to build new brands, reposition existing ones and realize future growth. We integrate business thinking, aesthetic values and technical implementation to maximize brand value through cross-cultural thinking and media approaches.
2M2 has been involved in transforming, upgrading, and integrating brands that are active in the global marketplace, including our past employers, including our past employers Ping An, Skyworth, COOCAA, CGN, and Kaltendin.
Our work spans multiple disciplines and has resulted in multiple international awards, including the SABRE Award, Tokyo TDC Annual Awards, APD6 , and HKDA Gold Award.
2M2舒曼于2008年成⽴于中国深圳,是一家专业的品牌咨询与设计机构,致力于为品牌提供整体洞察和行为干预。 服务范围涵盖品牌策略及设计、品牌战略与整合营销传播、建筑设计、室内设计、艺术策划等相关领域。我们整合国际视野与商业思考、美学价值及技术实现,以跨文化思维和媒介手法推动品牌价值最大化。
作为新型咨询的实践者,成立15年来一直以应用战略和设计解决方案,帮助客户在急剧变化的流媒体时代建立品牌文化与辨识,实现以品牌主导的业务转型。2M2 舒曼参与了诸多知名品牌的变革、升级、整合,我们服务的品牌目前正在全球市场中活跃,包括我们的过往雇主中国平安、创维、中广核等,以及当前的德国品牌欧雅诗、国内奢侈品品牌卡尔丹顿。2M2与客户的愿景一致,通过战略严谨性和设计创造力结合以推动增长。在与创维的合作中,对时代动态、品牌身份、以及对消费环境的接受性的洞察与研究指引着我们的设计。