Water and climate change are fundamentally linked. Recently, revised data showed that, under prevailing trends, the world will face a 56 percent shortfall between demand and supply of water by 2030 (WRI). Additionally, water knows no borders. Water issues are local, national, regional, and global and they require attention and resources at every level.
The 2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG) is a unique public, private, civil society multi-donor trust fund managed by the World Bank. We support stakeholders in collective decision-making, and in co-designing out-of-the-box solutions that promote strong socio-economic development across all sectors connected to water.
Our global partners include governments (the governments of Hungary), private companies (Ab InBev, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Unilever and UPL), development banks (African Development Bank, IFC, Inter-American Development Bank, and World Bank), INGOs and IGPs (BRAC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IUCN, GGGI, GWP, UNDP, and the World Economic Forum). 2030 WRG was launched in 2008 at the World Economic Forum and has been hosted by The World Bank Group since 2012.