121 Experiences is India's first ever Out-of-the-line agency. An agency which stands for breakthrough ideas and experiences which turn into headlines. We come up with non traditional ideas that challenge the efficiencies of traditional media spends through bold strategic thinking.
Of course not every brand and business challenge calls for out-of-the-line thinking and for them we are also popularly respected for the elevated thinking and execution potential we possess, in order to solve business challenges across industries, consumer categories and Pan-India geographies. With a range of specialist capabilities in rural & urban activation, from consumer contact programs to home to home, to large and small format event management.
Since its inception, in the second half of 2016, 121 Experiences has been successfully responsible for solving various business challenges for over 40 top brands in the country including Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Axis Bank, Gulf oil, Nerolac, Eureka Forbes and AB InBev.